Minimal example IV

Basic free energy calculations

Navigate to /example_4_free_energy. There you should see 5 folders, each corresponding to a simulation at fix temperature, but different volumes. This particular case is PbTe at 600K. Copy all the contents to a new folder.

First, we will get the free energy at a single volume. Pick one of the folders, perhaps volume_1. We will constrain ourselves to second order force constants, run:

extract_forceconstants -rc2 100 -U0
ln -s outfile.forceconstant infile.forceconstant
phonon_dispersion_relations -loto --dos -qg 36 36 36 --temperature 300

This will produce plenty of output. The first lines calculates the second order forceconstants, including the option of calculating the renormalized baseline energy. You should have read about forceconstants already, and perhaps this is a good time to familiarize yourself with free energy calculations a bit. I put a decent explanation of the different terms here. Glance through the documentation and see what the different command line options do.

The things you need for the free energy is the renormalized baseline, $U_0$, and the phonon free energy $F_{\textrm{ph}}$. These will be in outfile.U0 and outfile.free_energy respectively. If everything worked out ok, you should have something like

Fph = -0.26006391 eV/atom 
U0  = -3.76922936 eV/atom

So, by adding these numbers you get the Helmholtz free energy. Electronic entropy will be included, provided that it is in $U_0$. It is up to you to ensure that the underlying DFT calculations include that properly.

You can't get that much useful information from a single point in volume-temperature space, lets get the free energy for all the volumes, conveniently done with a small script:

# Get the forceconstants and free energy for every volume
for i in 1 2 3 4 5
    cd volume_${i}
        extract_forceconstants -rc2 100 -U0
        ln -sf outfile.forceconstant infile.forceconstant
        phonon_dispersion_relations --dos --temperature 600 -qg 32 32 32 --loto
    cd ..

This should result in a list of volumes and energies (it does not appear magically, you have to fetch the numbers):

 Volume        U0           Fph
 29.92236913  -3.76922936  -0.26006391 
 31.84747692  -3.82606181  -0.27327257 
 33.85343312  -3.84306260  -0.28655016 
 35.94026710  -3.82961324  -0.30108423 
 38.11284394  -3.80467151  -0.30650145 

Plotting this, and fitting to an equation of state (Birch-Murnaghan) should like like this:

Make sure you can reproduce this.

Small improvement

First thing we can improve is how the forceconstants are extracted. In the script above, we do a full symmetry analysis for each of the volumes. That is fine, but unnecessary. The symmetry of each supercell is the same. If we modify the script slightly

# Got to the first volume and do the symmetry analysis
cd volume_1
    extract_forceconstants -rc2 100
    mv outfile.forcemap.hdf5 ../
cd ..

# Reuse the symmetry analysis and get the free energy
for i in 1 2 3 4 5
    cd volume_${i}
        ln -sf ../outfile.forcemap.hdf5 infile.forcemap.hdf5
        extract_forceconstants -rc2 100 -U0 --readforcemap
        ln -sf outfile.forceconstant infile.forceconstant
        phonon_dispersion_relations --dos --temperature 600 -qg 32 32 32 --loto
    cd ..

If you try it out, you will find that it runs a little faster. Nothing significant in this small case, but for production quality calculations this is useful. Using the same infile.forcemap.hdf5 is also a good idea, which will become apparent later.

Exercises to try:

  • Rerun things with different q-point grids for the the phonon free energy. What does the convergence look like?
  • Use subsets of the simulation to calculate $U_0$ (using --stride, explained here), what does that convergence look like?